AIS President Welcome Speech |2017-07-18 |09:55 – 10:05 am

Matti Rossi
/ President, Association for Information Systems
Matti Rossi is a professor of information systems at Aalto University School of Business. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration from the University of Jyväskylä. He has worked as research fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam, as a visiting assistant professor at Georgia State University, Atlanta and visiting researcher at Claremont Graduate University. His research papers have appeared in journals such as MIS Quarterly, IEEE Software, Journal of AIS, Information and Organization, Information and Management, and Information Systems, and over forty of them have appeared in conferences such as ICIS, HICSS and CAiSE.
He is the past editor in chief of Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
He has been a senior editor at JAIS and Database for Advances in Information Systems and an associate editor for MIS Quarterly.
He was a co-chair of DESRIST 2007, 2008 and 2014 and program co-chair of DESRIST 2013, program co-chair for ECIS 2011 and 2016, organizing chair for IRIS 2004, organizing committee member and technology chair for ICIS’98 and minitrack chair for Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences 98 – 17.
He has been the principal investigator in several major research projects funded by the technological development center of Finland and Academy of Finland.
He is the president elect of AIS.
Matti Rossi is a member of IEEE, ACM and AIS.
He has been involved in the development of two research prototypes and further commercial products, which are sold by MetaCASE Consulting Plc., Jyväskylä, Finland. MetaEdit Personal is a single user CASE tool, used in 30 countries and in more than 20 Universities. MetaEdit+ is a multi-user integrated CASE tool, selected among the three most innovative new software tools at CeBIT’95 by Byte and used for the development of user interfaces for Nokia’s feature phones. He was the winner of the 2013 Millennium Distinction Award of Technology Academy of Finland for open source and data research. AIS PRESIDENT 2017-2018.
/ Chairman, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
/ Professor, University of Minnesota